Manuka honey Natural acid reflux remedy is the best natural medicine
People who suffer acid reflux, are the only one who understand how depleting this problem can be and it is important that they learn about Manuka honey Natural acid reflux remedy. The GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease is a chronic condition. By now, there is still no cure for the acid reflux problem. When the problem has been diagnosed , the treatment used is about the management of the diseases using some medication and the lifestyle change. In addition of using the prescription medicine, manuka honey has been purported to be used as natural treatment for the acid reflux. There are some patients who use it regularly to get better results.
For a healthy person, the food which is found in the stomach will be prevented to come back into the esophagus by some muscles known as esophageal sphincter. For the people who suffer the acid reflux, this muscle will not be working in the best way. This means that the food will be turning back into the esophagus together with the acidic juices. The acid will damage the mucosal lining in the esophagus which leads to the heartburn. GERD is considered as a chronic problem and it is important to treat it as soon as it begins to develop to avoid further complications.
Manuka honey is better than commercial drugs
Most of the medication which are being used for the GERD treatment, they work by stopping or reducing the production of the acid and this means that the really cause is neglected. The only way to achieve better treatment drugs is the only way to manage the symptoms. The usage of the treatment for long term will also lead to many other side effects. This is why many people choose to rely on the Manuka honey Natural acid reflux remedy or other natural remedy to deal with their GERD. Honey is used first because of its antimicrobial property. However, manuka honey is collected only on the Manuka flowers. This means that honey has more of methylglyxal percentage than honey collected from other flowers. Methylglyoxal is an antibacterial along with other components found in honey. Other benefits of using honey are that it does not have any side effects at the same time it is cost effective and it is easily available.
The problem is that there is not yet any research that supports the usage of the Manuka honey Natural acid reflux remedy. The research that has been done is only based on the health benefits of Manuka honey which include antibacterial properties. Honey also acts like a healing and anti-inflammatory agent.
This type of honey is also used topically on skin infection, irritated skin and wounds. Manuka honey is also good to be used internally. It counteracts the infection while it also alleviates the ailments such as gastritis, ulcer, diarrhea and acid reflux. It can also be used safely with lactating mothers, pregnant women and children. Honey fights the stomach acid problems by coating the esophagus lining to prevent it to be in direct contact with the acid. To maximize the Manuka honey Natural acid reflux remedy benefits, it has to be taken before meals or before going to bed.