Regardless of Raw honey health benefits, it is better to be careful while using it
Raw honey health benefits are considered to be better than using the honey from refined honey because raw honey still has all the enzymes, minerals and vitamins. However before you use honey, you have to keep the following in mind. Do not give honey to the infant. This is because sometime honey may contain the clostridium botulinum in small percentage. Even if this may not cause any problem for the older children or adults, it can cause a serious reaction for the children who are still under one year of age. You should not add honey on the baby food while you should not use it at as a soother if the child is colicky or fussy. Even if some honey may not have the contamination, it is important to make sure never to use honey for the infant. Honey is still sugar and you should not take it into large quantity to maintain good health and good weight. It has a caloric value which may affect the sugar in the system to be low or high.
There are some controversies when it comes to cooking using honey. This is because it is expected that raw honey health benefits may reduce its health benefits when it is heated. Another problem is that when honey is heated, it can become glue like which will be hard for the digestion. The substance is a toxin and it can adhere to the tissue which means that it will be too difficulty to remove it.
Honey benefits had been known for long
The best benefits of honey are found from the honey which is hundred percent pure, made by honey bees and found in honeycombs. Honey was used for million years and the beekeeping had been practiced from 700 BC. The Egyptian were using honey as a sacrifice for their river goods. Romans were using honey on the wounds as a natural cure. Since honey was rare and expensive, only wealthy people were using it. Honey wine or Mead is considered to be the oldest fermented wine.
The biblical history also shows the benefits of using honey. The honey was a delicacy left for the queens and the kings. When people found out the use of sugar cane to make refined sugar, they began to replace it to sweeten their beverage. This is why raw honey health benefits are now left for the medical usage or in confectionary and fine gourmet cooking.
Honey is an important food and it does not go bad. Some archaeologist found the honey kept in Egyptian tombs was still tasting delicious even after 2000 years. It is surprising on how the bacteria cannot grow on honey considered that honey is made from sugar. This is because honey has a low content in water with a high acidic level which makes unfavorable place for the bacteria. Honey will not spoil even if the additives or preservatives are not used. However liquid honey may suffer chemical and physical change when it is stored. It may darken and it may lose the flavor and aroma. After sometime the honey also can crystallize but this will not affect the raw honey health benefits because it is a reversible process.